This unique treatment created by Jade combines uplifting massage and acupressure for your face, head, neck and shoulders with lymphatic drainage, ear reflexology, and blissful Craniosacral head holds. Fantastic for releasing postural strain around the neck and shoulders and relaxing the muscles around the eyes, jaw and base of the skull. Using a potent blend of healing oils including rose geranium, frankincense, and rosemary in a luxurious base of rosehip, vitamin E and jojoba this facial massage promotes skin regeneration, improves circulation, helps to smooth away stress lines, and leaves you with a radiant and youthful glow. Going deeper than the skin the connection with your central nervous system through the cranial holds will induce a feeling of deep peace and relaxation. Pure bliss.
60 mins session - £70.00
90 min session with luxurious hand massage - £95.00
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